2. Fill in: up, back, away - to complete the phrasal verb Give
1. He gave away smoking because he has health problems. 2. Jane gave …. a book to the library. 3. Sam has given …. to eat at KFC. 4. She is giving …. her old clothes. 5. Henry gave …. the his leadership in the tournament.
Yesterday I got up as usual at 6:30. I had my breakfast and went to the bus stop. I had to wait 30 minutes for the bus to come. It was windy and cold. And there were not many people there. It was very strange. When I came to my office, it was closed. I had to wait again. When I looked at my watches I understood that it was Saturday. When I came home I began to cough and sneeze. The weather was so terrible that it was easy to catch a cold. In the evening when I took my temperature I was sure I was ill. In the morning the doctor came and told me what medicine to take.
Напишите ответы и будьте готовы ответить перед классом. когда вы делаете эти вещи? 1. встаете - I get up at : 7am 2. завтракаете - I have breakfast at : 7:20am 3. отдыхаете - I have rest at... 4. обедаете - I have lunch at.. 3. идете в школу - I go to school at.. 4. выгуливаете собаку - I walk the dog at.. every day 5. смотрите тв - I watch TV at.. I like cartoons 6. идете спать - I go to bed at.. 7. делаете домашнюю работу - I do my home work at.. 8. читаете книги - I read books at.. usually it's novels(романы), detective stories(детективы) 9. ужинаете - I have dinner at.. 10. гуляете - I go for a walk at.. every evening with my friends. 11. идете на работу - I go to work at.. или I don't go to work, because I m a pupil. 12. чистите в своей комнате - I clean my room at.. in Sunday
2. back
3. away
4. back
5. up