There are many different types of music. This menu is about the types of music I write about most often. Click on the links below to find out something about each one.
Classical MusicSo what is this thing called ‘Classical Music’? What type of music is ‘classical’?
Well I looked in books, looked in dictionaries, and I looked on the internet. And I still can’t tell you what it is exactly. I know it when I hear it. But I can’t describe it exactly.
So let’s try a bad definition. Well, some people say that ‘classical music’ is ‘serious music’. This can be true. Classical music is often music to listen to carefully and think about. But I also know lots of very funny classical music. So not all classical music is serious.
Jazz! What fun! Tap your feet. Clap. Relax. Chill out.
That’s jazz!
If you don’t believe me, watch this video of a song called ‘Now you has jazz’. Listen carefully to the words as well as the music.
What is folk music? Well, there’s folk music and there’s folk music. And both of them are music by folks for folks.
Got it? Not really, I guess. I’ll try again, then!
There are two types of folk music. The first is normally very old and nobody really knows who the composer is. It is music that belongs to a people or a culture. It is the music of the ordinary people within that culture. And it is the music these people have played, or sung, to one another for a very long time. If you know any nursery rhymes, you will know some of this type of folk music.
Native school... Has passed 8 years since then when we have crossed for the first time its threshold. Then our eyes were shone with curiosity and children's delight. We did not guess at all that the school becomes our second house. At school we have learned to write, read, consider, we have learned to live. After all from the first class of the teacher tried to impart to us not only knowledge from various sciences, but also a part of the soul. They put good, caress, justice, honesty, mind in our souls. Also I think their diligence were not vain. In school there has passed the most part of our life. And though time goes, anybody from us will not regret these remarkable academic years. In our second house we got acquainted with friends and quarreled with them, rejoiced, received двенадцять for the answer, and have grieved because of the two. Within the precincts of school we have learned to think, express the feelings, have learned to be mistaken and correct these mistakes. Exactly here we brought up the will power, patience, how there were our destinies.