1. It is desirable that he should bе there at five o’clock. Желательно, чтобы он был там в 5 часов. 2. He suggested that the question is discussed at the next meeting. Он предложил обсудить этот вопрос на следующем собрании 3. They covered the goods with canvas lest they should be damaged. Они прикрыли груз брезентом чтобы они не повредились 4. If he had known the time-table he wouldn't have missed the train. ЗДЕСЬ ВСЕ ПРАВИЛЬНО Если бы он знал расписание, он бы не опоздал на поезд 5. If he hadn't failed and missed the interview, he might have got the job. Если бы он пришел на собеседование, он возможно получил бы работу. 6. I wish he was with us. Жаль, что его нет с нами.
1. Can Ann play volleyball? – Yes, she can. ОБЩИЙ Can Ann play volleyball or basketball? АЛЬТЕРНАТИВНЫЙ Ann can play volleyball, can't she? РАЗДЕЛИТЕЛЬНЫЙ Who can play volleyball? К ПОДЛЕЖАЩЕМУ What game can Ann play? СПЕЦИАЛЬНЫЙ
2. Has Jack got a big dog? – Yes, he has. Has Jack got a big dog or cat? Jack has got a big dog, hasn't he? Who has got a big dog? What pet has Jack got?
3. Have they got many cats? – Yes, they have. Have they got many cats or dogs? They have got many cats, haven't they? Who has got many cats? What pets have they got?
4. Is Anton a tall boy? – Yes, he is. Is Anton a tall or short boy? Anton is a tall boy, isn't he? Who is a tall boy? How tall is Anton?
2. He suggested that the question is discussed at the next meeting. Он предложил обсудить этот вопрос на следующем собрании
3. They covered the goods with canvas lest they should be damaged. Они прикрыли груз брезентом чтобы они не повредились
4. If he had known the time-table he wouldn't have missed the train. ЗДЕСЬ ВСЕ ПРАВИЛЬНО Если бы он знал расписание, он бы не опоздал на поезд
5. If he hadn't failed and missed the interview, he might have got the job. Если бы он пришел на собеседование, он возможно получил бы работу.
6. I wish he was with us. Жаль, что его нет с нами.