Were made
Was written
Is read
Will be spoilt
Will be built
Will be rebuilt
Is spoken
Are asked
4. Is the car being fixed?
The blackboard is being cleaned
A lot of money is spent on food
By who was this mess made?
He was made to confess to the robbery
By whom was this cup broken?
A verdict will have been reached by morning
The nurse was sent for
Her new ring was shown to me
Our essays will be marked
Tomatoes haven't been watered
The car has been repaired
Our results haven't been announced
Our dog is usually fed
The sport day was held
The race was won
Electric cars will be used
A lot of money was spent
Guests are entertained
I am allowed to stay out late
Many folk songs were used
Money was often sent/ He was often sent money
I was offered several jobs/Several jobs were offered to me
Good advice was given to me/ I was given good advice
A bicycle was bought/John was bought a bicycle
He was presented with a medal/A medal was presented to him
His help was offered to me/I was offered his help
Ancient coins were shown to the students/The students were shown ancients coins
A letter will be sent to you/You will be sent a letter
Is her skirt being cleaned at the moment?
Is my hair trimmed once a month?
Is central going to be installed?
Was Sam's burglar alarm fitted?
Is my car being repaired?
Has the band's new single just been recorded?
Is our new furniture going to be delivered?
Is their new house being decorated?
Will the windows be cleaned?
Has a new jumper been knitted?
Will be
Will have been
Hasn't been published
Is being written
Has been
Had been discussing
Had been
Is being
Has been
Will be
Will have been
Is being
Are requested
Are advised
Are forbidden
Are often imitated
Are always told
Are assisted
Was helped
Never been asked
Is needed
Он говорит, что она заболела
В данном случае «он говорит» — это главное предложение, а «что она заболела» — придаточное. С переводом повествовательных предложений в косвенную речь не возникает особых трудностей: слова автора становятся главным предложением, а прямая речь — придаточным, которое вводится союзом that: Он говорит, что она заболела – He says, that she has fallen ill.
Mary says: “Yesterday I saw a new film with Brad Pitt”Mary says that yesterday she saw a new film with Brad Pitt.Mr. Smith says: “I like travelling. I have been to many countries”Mr. Smith says that he likes travelling and he has been to many countries.Вопрос в косвенной речиКогда мы переводим вопросительные предложения в косвенную речь необходимо учитывать некоторые нюансы.
1. Порядок слов в английском косвенном вопросе прямой, то есть, как и в утвердительном предложении:
He asks: “Who is that girl?”He asks who that girl is.Mary asks her friend: “When are you going on vacation?”Mary asks her friend when she is going on vacation.My mother asks me: “Where did you see Peter?”My mother asks me where I saw Peter.2. При переводе вопроса в косвенную речь глагол ask – спрашивать, можно заменять другими глаголами по смыслу: wonder – интересоваться, want to know – хотеть знать
Pete asks : “Where does your father work?”Peter wonders where my father works.My brother asks: “When is David’s birthday?”My brother wants to know when David’s birthday is.3. Общий и альтернативный вопросы вводятся в косвенную речь при союзов if и whether – ли. Оба эти союза равнозначны, но whether чаще используется в формальной речи, а в разговорной предпочтение отдается союзу if:
A stranger in the street asks me: “Do you speak English?”A stranger in the street asks me if I speak English. – Незнакомец на улице спрашивает меня, знаю ли я английский.Jane asks: “Is it going to rain?Jane wonders if it is going to rain. – Джейн интересуется, пойдет ли дождь.Mother asks Bob: “Will you have tea or coffee?”Mother asks Bob if he will have tea or coffee. – Мама спрашивает, Боба, будет ли он чай или кофе“Would you prefer Chinese or Italian restaurant?” – Bill asks his girlfriend.Bill wants to know whether his girlfriend would prefer Chinese or Italian restaurant. Вилл хочет знать, предпочитает ли его подруга китайский или итальянский ресторан.4. При переводе в косвенную речь ответов на общие вопросы слова yes и no опускаются:
Bob asks Bill: “Do you like the play?” Bill answers: “Yes, I do”Bob asks Bill if he likes the play. Bill answers that he does.Mother asks Steve: “Will you go to the theatre?” Steve answers: “No, I won’t”Mother asks Steve if he will go to the theatre. Steve answers that he won’t.Повелительные предложения в косвенной речиПовелительные предложения передаются в косвенной речи при и not to, а также глаголов ask – просить, tell – велеть, order – приказывать, после которых должен стоять объект, к которому обращаются.
My sister says: “Please help me with my homework”My sister asks me to help her with her homework. – Моя сестра просит меня ей с домашним заданием “Come home by 10 o’clock!” Mother says.Mother tells me to come home by 10 o’clock. – Мама велит мне прийти домой к 10 часам. Father says to his daughter: “Don’t go there alone”.Father tells his daughter not to go there alone. – Отец не велит своей дочери ходить туда одной.The colonel shouts: “Don’t fire!”The colonel orders the soldiers not to fire. Полковник приказывает солдатам не стрелять.Mother says: “Don’t make noise, father is sleeping”Mother asks us not to make noise as father is sleeping. Мама просит нас не шуметь, потому что папа спит.
1) С
2) B
3) B
4) C
5) C