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07.07.2021 04:58 •  Английский язык

3. Read the text and answer the questions. Divide the text into parts and give the titles. Retell each of parts briefly. Our Universities

Hello! My name is Ann.I study at the South-Western (former) Polytechnical University. It is located in the north-westrn part of our city.. It is one of the largest and oldest and universities in our city.
Any man or woman having a secondary education and working at some enterprise of our industry may enter our University.
I entered it last year. Now I am in my second year. I study at the radio Information and Electronics faculty. The faculty trains radio engineers of all specialties.
A friend of mine is also a student. He is a full-time student in the day time. He doesn’t work. He gets a state grant.
We study in the evening three times a week. Our lectures begin at 6 and end at 9.30. Every evening we have two lectures. The break between the lectures lasts ten minutes. Attendance at our University is voluntary. Yet, as most of our students, I attend all the lectures and classes.
The students who attend the lectures usually pass their examinations more successfully. They get good and excellent marks and seldom fail.
There are many laboratories where all the students make various experiments and carry on research work. Many teachers and professors deliver lectures and hold seminars on different subjects such as: physics, mathematics, chemistry, foreign languages and many others.
For the convenience of the non-Kurak students living and working far from our University there are several branches of it in different cities. There the students also have lectures, classes, consultations and take their examinations.
My favourite subject is physics. The lectures on this subject are delivered by Professor Ivanov. His lectures are always very interesting. I never miss them.
The students are taught one of the following foreign languages: English, French or German. I study English. At our lessons we read, translate and speak English.
The academic year starts on the first of September and ends on the first of July. It is divided into two terms. At the end of each term the students take their tests and examinations.
At the beginning of the term non-Kursk students get all the teaching material and different kinds of test-papers in the subjects by mail. They do the test-papers in written form and send them to the University for marking.

1. What University does Ann study at? 2. Where is it located? 3. When was the University established? 4. Who may enter the University? 5. When did she enter your University? 6. What year is she in? 7. What faculty does she study at? 8. What specialists does the faculty train? 9. Have you got friends who are external students? 10. When does your friend study? 11. When do you have your studies? 12. How many times a week do you study? 13. When do your studies begin and end? 14. How many lectures do you have each evening? 15. Is attendance at your college voluntary? 16. Do you attend all the lectures and classes? 17. What students pass their examinations more successfully? 18. What marks do they get? 19. What is your favourite subject? 20. Who delivers lectures in this subject? 21. What foreign languages are taught at your educational establishment? 22. When does the academic year start and end? 23. When do the students usually take their examinations and tests? 24. Where do they send the test-papers for marking? 25. What do the students do in the laboratories?

4. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Я студент-заочник. Учусь на заочном отделении. В нашем институте 10 факультетов. В наш институт может поступить каждый, кто имеет среднее образование.
2. Мой друг редко пропускает лекции. Он посещает их регулярно и всегда получает хорошие и отличные отметки на экзаменах. Он поступил в институт в году. Он окончит его через 5 лет.3. Его друг - студент заочного отделения. Он занимается днем и получает стипендию.
4. Иногородние студенты получают весь учебный материал и контрольные задания по почте.

5. Read and translate the text.
A New Scholar

A Californian gold-digger had become very rich and could afford to buy whatever he liked. Among other things he wanted his friend, an educated man, to supply him with a library of books. His friend did as he had been asked and soon got a letter of thanks. The ex-gold-digger wrote, I am much obliged to you for your kindness. I am greatly pleased with your selection. I particularly admire a long religious poem about paradise by a Mr. Milton and a set of plays (delightful ones) by a Mr. Shakespeare. Should any of them publish anything else, I hope you would send me a copy of each.



уже for the first place in the world to be a little more about you and your mom is going to be with you guys doing anything for me I t you have y you want to be a great day at work now and I'm not going out tonight and tomorrow at the end I love u to be there at like a plan for the rest of my life is like the way I am so sorry for the first

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The water environment is an amazing world that enchants us with its freshness and purity. It is close to humanity since its inception, and its value can not be overemphasized, because water is, in principle, life, since all living things feed on its healing magic power.

It has long been known that all the phenomena of nature on our planet are subject to orderly and incredibly strict laws, and the water cycle is not an exception. This is yet another confirmation of the greatness and power of the universal Mind.Nothing living can exist without water, be it rare drops, sprinkling deserts, or heavy showers, gurgling streams or peaceful river streams, a light sea breeze or crushing ocean waves.

Similarly, without water it is impossible to imagine the life of each of us, because, above all, this is one of the main components of the human body. And the feeling of thirst that is familiar to each of us is nothing else but a reminder of our body about the timely replenishment of the water balance.

Water feeds every cell of our body. It gives renewal and youth, unprecedented energy and beauty. Like the whole world around us, a person is always happy to communicate with the elements of water, genuinely enjoying the rolling May thunderstorms, the leisurely flow of forest streams, the force and noise of the sea surf, dew drops in the morning meadow or a warm summer rain. And this natural attraction to the perfection and splendor of the water always remains and is passed on from generation to generation, taking a sip for a sip feeding humanity with life-giving force.

Water is drunk and forests and fields. Without it, people, birds, animals can not live. But the water not only "feeds" us, but also "feeds" - thousands of fishing vessels work day and night on the expanses of the seas and oceans. Water helps a person to generate electricity by working in hydroelectric stations, water washes people, cars, roads and cities. The water carries millions of tons of cargo and millions of passengers. Without water, it is impossible to make any medicine, no sweets, no rubber, no fabric, and in general, practically nothing.

Water - the source of life and one of the most valuable wealth of man. From water depends not just a normal life, but the very existence of mankind. After all, it is not accidental that for a long time people settled along the banks of rivers and lakes, tried to build their dwellings as close as possible to the water.

The hymn water can be called the lines of the famous French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry: "Water, you have no color, no taste, no smell, you can not describe, you enjoy, not knowing what you are. You can not say that you are necessary for life: you are life itself. You fill us with joy, which you can not explain with our feelings. With you the forces with which we have already said goodbye return. By your grace, the dried springs of our heart begin to bubble again in us. 
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I have got a family. It is big and friendly. There are four members in my family. They are my mum, dad, brother and me.

I have got a mum. Her name is Lena. She is thirty-five. My mum is clever and kind. She is a housewife. My mum is good at cooking. Every day she cleans the rooms, washes the dishes and doesn`t let my brother and me fight.

I have got a father. His name is Dima. My father is handsome and serious. He is very busy and works a lot. My father is fond of playing computer games.At the weekends we play games together. Also, he helps me with my homework and my mum with housework. He is the best dad in the world!

My younger brother is two. His name is Vanya. He looks like my dad. Vanya is strong, clever and talented. He can swim and run. Vanya likes watching cartoons on TV. Sometimes he is naughty. He enjoys breaking my toy cars and drawing in my exercise-books. I wish I were two too.

I love my family. I am happy!

У меня есть семья. Она - большая и дружная. В моей семье четыре человека: папа, мама, братик и я.

У меня есть мама. Ее зовут Лена. Ей тридцать пять лет. Она - умная и добрая. Она - домохозяйка. Моя мама вкусно готовит. Каждый день она убирается в комнатах, моет посуду и не позволяет нам с братом драться.

У меня есть папа. Его зовут Дима. Мой папа - красивый и серьезный. Он много работает и всегда очень занят. Мой папа любит играть в компьютерные игры. По выходным мы с ним играем вместе. Также, он мне с уроками, а маме - с работой по дому. Дима - лучший папа в мире!

Моему младшему братику - два года. Его зовут Ваня. Он похож на папу. Ваня - сильный, умный и талантливый. Он умеет бегать и плавать. Ваня любит смотреть мультфильмы. Иногда он - непослушный. Тогда он ломает мои игрушечные машинки и рисует в моих тетрадках. Хотелось бы, чтобы мне тоже было два года.

Я люблю свою семью. Я - счастлив!
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