вы находитесь на экскурсии в старинный русский город. Напишите открытку своим родителям. Опишите достопримечательности города и отель а, в котором вы живете. Напишите, чем знаменит этот город. (на английском надо кратко) (любой город)
1. This coffee is very weak. I like it a bit weaker. 2. The room in the hotel was really big. I expected it to be bigger. 3. The weather is too hot in this city. I’d like to live somewhere hotter. 4. Your work isn’t very good. I know you can do better. 5. My home task is a bit boring sometimes. I’d like to do something more interesting.
1. This is the strongest coffee I have ever tried!
2. It is the oldest church in my city.
3. Everest is the highest mountain.
4. Russia is the biggest country in the world.
Students mustn't be late for classes
Students must do the homework on time
Students mustn't talk at the lesson
Students mustn't miss classes
Students must be ready to answer the questions
Students mustn't interrupt the teacher
Чем я могу вам
Как он (чемодан) выглядит? - what does it look like?
Я бы хотел вам сообщить о потере моей сумки - I would like to inform you about the loss of my bag
Это кожаная сумка? - Is this a leather bag?
А эти сумки вам знакомы? - Do you know these bags?
Выходные отлично . Мы с моими родителями и собакой хорошо отдохнули . Мы ездили плавать на речку . Погода была хорошой . Мама готовила , папа играл со мной . Мы догло купались и загорали . Но потом погода стала плохой и мы уехали домой . Мне очень понравилось.
The weekend went well. My parents and the dog had a good rest. We went swimming in the river. The weather was nice. Mom cooked, dad played with me. We went swimming and sunbathing. But then the weather became bad and we went home. I really liked it
1. This coffee is very weak. I like it a bit weaker. 2. The room in the hotel was really big. I expected it to be bigger. 3. The weather is too hot in this city. I’d like to live somewhere hotter. 4. Your work isn’t very good. I know you can do better. 5. My home task is a bit boring sometimes. I’d like to do something more interesting.
1. This is the strongest coffee I have ever tried!
2. It is the oldest church in my city.
3. Everest is the highest mountain.
4. Russia is the biggest country in the world.
Students mustn't be late for classes
Students must do the homework on time
Students mustn't talk at the lesson
Students mustn't miss classes
Students must be ready to answer the questions
Students mustn't interrupt the teacher
Чем я могу вам
Как он (чемодан) выглядит? - what does it look like?
Я бы хотел вам сообщить о потере моей сумки - I would like to inform you about the loss of my bag
Это кожаная сумка? - Is this a leather bag?
А эти сумки вам знакомы? - Do you know these bags?