у каждого из четырех ребят есть одно любимое животное кошка собака или канарейка у всех разные у Алдияра животное с пушистой шерстью у Азата четвероногое у Адильхана пернатое и Алдияр и Қайрат не любят кошек КАКОЕ ИЗ СЛЕДУЮЩИХ УТВЕРЖДЕНИЙ ВЕРНО?!
1) i will do my homework. i will not do my homework. 2) he will be a good student. he will not be a good student. 3) my grandmother will sleep after dinner. my grandma will not sleep after dinner. 4) they will work part-time. they will not work part-time. 5) we will drink tea every day. we will not drink tea every day. 6) michael will be a writer. michael will not be a writer. 7) john will have a car. john will not have a car. 8) you will be my friend. you will not be my friend. 9) he will work at the office. he will not work at the office. 10) it will be difficult to remember everything. it will not be difficult to remember everything.
1) you went to jill’s house, but she wasn’t there. she had gone out.
2) you went back to your home town after many years. it wasn't the same as before. it had changed a lot.
3) i invited rachel to the party but she couldn’t come. she had arranged to do something else.
4) you went to the cinema last night. you arrived to the cinema late. the film had already begun.
5) i was very pleased to see tim again after such a long time. i hadn't seen him for five years.
6) i offered sue something to eat but she wasn’t hungry. she had just had breakfast.