Many people today are very stressed because of different can be someone's death or failure at school or work. stressed people often feel nervous, they can be agressive and rude. sometimes they have different illnesses: headaches, stomachaches, problems with remembering. but how can we cure stress? of course we need to know what's the reason of someone's stress. however, there are some ways. first of all,person needs to chat with friends more. also it would be nice to eat healthy and tasty food. besides, sleeping moderately helps a lot. finaly, sport is a good way to overcome stress
многие люди сегодня напряжены из-за различных причин. это может быть чья-то смерть или неудачи на работе или в школе. люди со стрессом обычно нервные, они могут быть агрессивными или грубыми. иногда у них появляются различные болезни: головные боли, боли в желудке и проблемы с запоминанием. но как мы можем вылечить стресс?конечно, нам нужно узнать причину стресса.однако, есть некоторые во- первых, человеку следует больше общаться с друзьями. так же было бы хорошо есть вкусную и здоровую пищу. кроме того, спать в меру очень наконец, спорт- хороший справиться со стрессом
Police officer. Officers play a very important role in law enforcement agencies. Since soldiers and police are armed formations, they need strict control behind them so that they do not exceed their authority and do not shirk their duties. The officer not only manages a certain number of people, but also is responsible for their actions. Competent commanders often won battles with fewer fighters or with poor weapons. It is very important to guess the time when exactly and which unit to strike, so that the enemy could not realize his intentions. No less important is the commander of the militia, because the order in society is based on fear, which directly depends on the authority of law enforcement agencies.
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