I wrote the article last Monday
The article was written last Monday
These books are used for work
The office is cleaned every day
I feel that I am being watched now by somebody. пассивный
He will go to the shop
She can open the window
He should lock a door
If I work hard
If he calls me
1 условного типа
If I lived near the sea
f I had a million
If I knew English very well
If I were very rich, I would buy what I want. But I'm not so rich
If she were here, she would help us. She is not here now, so she can't help us
2 условного типа
She said that I was her best teacher ever. Она сказала что я был ее лучшим учителем
The ball was being played yesterday. Мячом играли вчера
She was told off. Ей высказали (за что-то)
My father said that mother is upset (папа сказал мама расстроена)
My mother said that they were very rude to her
(Мама сказала они были очень грубы с ней)
I told her how kind were her classmates to me (я рассказал ей как как ее одноклассники были добры со мной)
They were told off (им высказали)
The balls were being played yesterday (мячами играли вчера)
Teacher said that we were bad pupils (учитель сказал что мы плохие ученики)