Dorothy took the red shoes and put them on .
The beast turned into a handsome prince.
The good fairy spelled a cast and turned mice into horeses.
The prince saw an ugly frog in the swamp.
Baba Yaga lived in the dancing hut.
The good fairy gave Cinderella some beautiful shoes.
The lion was cowardly scared of mice.
The wizard put on a magic cloak and disappeared.
1. While I have done (do) my homework, my parents worked (work) in the garden.
2. On Monday we _had (have) five lessons,
3. I finished (finish) my project by 10 p.m yesterday.
4. My sister have done (do) homework the whole evening yesterday.
5. The cat _took(take) a piece of fish and _ran (run) away.
6. At this time yesterday _(listen) to music.
7. We were walking (walk) down the street when we saw (see) a our friend in the window of the bus.
8. She said (say) that she gave (give ) me the wrong address.
9. He _wanted) to visit a place where he _(lived) in the childhood.
10. I _(standed) by the window when I _(heard) the front door open.
11. I_ (thought) it was my mum but soon I _(realized) I was wrong.
12. When I _ (turned) around, I _(saw) a strange man looking at me.
13. The rescue team _ (found) two survivors under the rubble before the day _(was) over.
14. By the time her parents _(retuned) home, Tracey _(took the dog for a walk.
15. Last night James _ (sat) in the living room watching TV while his parents_ (were getting) ready to go to the theater.
16. By the time the rescue team_(came), the building _(collapsed).
17.I (closed) my eyes and when (opened) them again there were two creatures in front of my car and they_(came) slowly towards me.
18. After my dad _ (ate) dinner, he _(fell) asleep on the sofa.
19. When I _ (woke) up this morning, the sun _(shone).
20. As I_(had) breakfast, my friend Julie _(phoned) me and we _(decide) to go for a picnic in the park.
21. Randy_ (drove) his new Porsche to visit his parents.
22. He (bought) the car only two days earlier.
23. It (was) late it night and it (was rainning) earlier so the road (was) slippery.
24. Suddenly, when he (went) through a forest, something (jumped) on the road.
25. In order not to hit it, Randy (steped) on the breaks. He (lost) control of the car and (hit) a tree.
1 Кашель – это реакция организма на любое раздражение дыхательных путей. Вылечить можно полоская рот с теплой водой.
2 Головная боль — это боль в любой части головы. Снять боль можно с массажа и отдыха.
3 Простуда это вирусное инфекционное заболевание. С горячих напитков и меда можно вылечить.
4 Температура тела — комплексный показатель теплового состояния организма. Снизить можно охлождая лоб с прохладным, влажным полотенцем.
5 Боль в животе является симптомом многих заболеваний. Убрать боль питьё теплой воды.
6 Боль в горле- боль или раздражение в горле. Снять можно с мёда и чая.
7 Сыпь- это изменение внешнего вида кожи, ее цвета, структуры. Убрать можно с травяного чая.
8 Ушную боль можно снять с массажа.
1 Cough is the body's reaction to any irritation of the respiratory tract. You can cure it by rinsing your mouth with warm water.
2 Headache is pain in any part of the head. Pain can be relieved with massage and relaxation.
3 The common cold is a viral infection. With the help of hot drinks and honey can be cured.
4 Body temperature is a complex indicator of the thermal state of the body. Reduce by cooling your forehead with a cool, damp towel.
5 Stomach ache is a symptom of many diseases. Drinking warm water will help relieve pain.
6 Sore throat - pain or irritation in the throat. You can remove it with honey and tea.
7 A rash is a change in the appearance of the skin, its color, structure. You can remove it with herbal tea.
8 Earache can be relieved with massage.
the prince turned into handsome beast
the baba yaga lived in the dancing hut
the lion was scared of mice