1.) Give the nouns or adjectives that form the following verbs:
characterize - character (noun)
implement - implementation (noun) / implement (noun)
crystallize - crystal (noun)
metallize - metal (noun)
theorize - theory (noun)
rethink - thinking (noun)
organize - organization (noun)
2.) Add the suffix-ous to the following words and translate the derivatives into Russian:
glory - glorious (translation: славный)
danger - dangerous (translation: опасный)
thunder - thunderous (translation: грозовой)
continuation - continuous (translation: непрерывный)
poison - poisonous (translation: ядовитый)
variation - variable (translation: изменяющийся) (суффикс правда не -ous, но и слова с таким суффиксом нету)
courage - courageous (translation: смелый)
a) Translate the following words into Russian;
b) Define the parts of speech of the stems to which the prefix un- is added:
unfit - rus: непригодный (from: fit (verb))
unusual - rus: необычный (from: usual (adjective))
unfair - rus: недобросовестный (from: fair (adjective))
unaccomplished - rus: незавершенный (from: accomplished (adjective))
unjust - rus: несправедливый (from: just (adjective))
ineffective - rus: неэффективный (from: effective (adjective))
untrue - rus: ложный (from: true (adjective))
uncertain - rus: неопределённый (from: certain (adjective))
unclean - rus: неопрятный (from: clean (adjective))
unconcerned - rus: незаинтересованный (from: concerned (adjective))
unknown - rus: неизвестный (from: known (adjective))
unreasonable - rus: необоснованный (from: reasonable (adjective))
unbearable - rus: невыносимый (from: bearable (adjective))
Dear ( и имя которое указано на письме)
|I was happy to get your letter. Sorry, | have not written for so long as | was busy at school studying hard for my exams. How are you?
In your letter you ask me about people's environmental contribution in Russia. Young people here work on some environmental projects,including clearing lakes and rivers, planting trees and studying effects of pollution. There is one Green Movement in my town and we get all kinds of support from local community.
By the way, what are you going to do on this holiday? What places do you want to visit? Will you spend holidays with your parents or friends?
Sorry, |I have to go now to help my mother about the house. Keep in touch.