How I Keep Fit
We all want to be fit and healthy, and I'm no exception. First of all, I avoid eating junk food. I do my best to have a balanced diet, so I often have fish for dinner and eat fruit and vegetables every day and drink a lot of water.
I usually start my day doing morning exercises and after that I have a contrast shower. In the evening I always take an hour's walk or ride my bike. I also try to go to the swimming-pool at least once a week. As a result, I feel well and seldom fall ill.
Мы все хотим быть в хорошей форме и быть здоровыми, и я не исключение. Прежде всего, я избегаю употребления нездоровой пищи. Я стараюсь придерживаться сбалансированного питания, поэтому я часто ем рыбу на ужин, ем фрукты и овощи каждый день и пью много воды.
Я обычно начинаю свой день с утренней зарядки, а потом принимаю контрастный душ. Вечером я всегда гуляю час или катаюсь на велосипеде. Я также стараюсь ходить в бассейн хотя бы раз в неделю. В результате я чувствую себя хорошо и редко болею.
1.I said that I had been in London for a fortnight's holiday. My friends in London.
2.Nick said that he had been never been to London.He thinked he would go there next year.
3.He said that he would not stay with my friends too long.
4.He said to me that they were staying at the Grand Hotel Europe.
5.He said that they were leaving next Monday.
6. The clerk said to them that they could.
leave the key with the maid upstairs.
7.the boy said to his mother that he had no time for lunch today.
8.the woman said me that I spoke nglish very well.
9.My brother said me that hi was going to become a doctor.
10.My uncle said us that he bought everal newspapers every day.
11.The teacher said the pupils that the next year they wouldhave six hours of English.
12.he said me that he wanted to see me today.
13.she said that she was tonight.
14.The student said that he couldnt answer this question.he didnt understand it.