Лучше всего Салли Пол писать короткие ответы с правильной формой «получить». Q Где ты живешь? О: Я из Ливерпуля, но живу в большом доме в Нью-Йорке. Приятно, но нет сада. Q Кто живет в вашем доме? Я, мои родители и их собака. Q Какие у тебя хобби? Музыка, пение и танцы. o Кто ваш любимый актер или актриса? У меня нет любимого актера, но моя любимая актриса - Пенелопа Крус. В: Вы предпочитаете смотреть телевизор или встречаться с друзьями? Встреча друзей! Моих друзей зовут Роб и Аша. Мы все очень любим музыку. Сестра Роба - барабанщик в моей группе! Салли Пау Салл Па Сал Па 3 cl 1 2 1 Джон / большой дом 2 его дом / сад 4 3 его родители / домашнее животное 4 он / любые увлечения 5 он / любимый актер 6 Джон и сестра Роба / группа
We live in the 21 century. Nowadays we have such important directions like technologies. And almost everyone has such electronic devices as a tablet, a PC (or computer), a laptop, a telephone. So, today I will tell you about my personal thoughts about this.
Of course, it is very comfortable to talk with people using, for example telephone, moreover, you can see each other using the camera, know something interesting using social networks, but is there any drawbacks? I think, that there, unfortunately, are some drawbacks. It is definitely bad, that impostors use internet and social networks for their own good. Such people can easily steal your money and make another harm. So you should be attentive and accuracy with impostors. The next minus is that teens and some adults spend too much time in internet. And, also, there is propaganda of bad things.
In conclusion, I can say, that internet and social networks are good, but you should use it right and be attentive. That’s all I wanted to say, thank you for attention.
1. I didn't think about you yesterday
2. She didn't go to the park
3. The teacher didn't find your memory stick
4. We didn't study the history of county
5. We didn't give Brett a lift to school
1. Did you help Ben?
2. Did you use my phone?
3. Could you get WiFi?
4. Did she buy a new laptop?
5. Were you at home yesterday?
1. C
2. B
3. C
4. A
5. B
4) 1. Media
2. Account
3. Viral
4. Fundraising
5. Forum