1) What's the date today? the twenty fifth of September nineteen ninety nine – британский английский September twenty fifth nineteen ninety nine – американский английский
2) What time is it? It's 8 a.m.; It's five (minutes) past eleven a.m.; It's exactly seven p.m; It's nine p.m; It's a quarter to three p.m.; It's half past five p.m.; It's 11 p.m. by my watch
3. How much does it cost? How much is it? How much does this thing cost? five dollars twenty cents
4. What is your phone number? two one six, double three, seven four; four seven nine, two seven, double eight
1. Has the postman come yet? I am expecting a letter from my father. 2. The captain ordered the crew to unload the vessel. 3. My brother can drive a car. 4 I got an interesting book from our library. The librarian said that I could keep it only for a week as a teacher of English also wanted it. 5. How can you say such things? 6. There is a meeting in the conference hall this evening. 7. When the moon passes between the earth and the sun an eclipse results. 8. There is a red book and a green book on the table in the dining room. Will you bring me the green one, please? 9 Can you tell me how to get to the theatre? Go straight down the street until you come to a bridge. Then turn to the right and you will see a large white building. That is the theatre. 10. He brought some books from the library. 11. A department store is a shop where all kinds of things are sold. 12. I know some students of that institute. 13. I want to write a letter to my sister. Have you a fountain pen? 14. How brilliantly the stars shine. 15. A low stone wall separated the house from the road. 16. He asked the teacher a question. 17. He received some letters from Leningrad yesterday. 18. Are there any pictures in this magazine? 19. He is reading “An American Tragedy", a novel by Theodore Dreiser. 20. The door opened and a man entered the room. He was a man of about 50 years of age. 21. (A ИЛИ The – оба артикля можно использовать) lion is a large powerful animal. 22. There are many schools for the blind in our country. 23. Petrov, (the ИЛИ –) captain of the s. s. "Minsk”, is a very good seaman. 24. The telegram was addressed to C. D. Ivanov, (the ИЛИ –) Chairman of Sojuzimport.
the twenty fifth of September nineteen ninety nine – британский английский
September twenty fifth nineteen ninety nine – американский английский
2) What time is it?
It's 8 a.m.;
It's five (minutes) past eleven a.m.;
It's exactly seven p.m;
It's nine p.m;
It's a quarter to three p.m.;
It's half past five p.m.;
It's 11 p.m. by my watch
3. How much does it cost? How much is it? How much does this thing cost?
five dollars twenty cents
4. What is your phone number?
two one six, double three, seven four;
four seven nine, two seven, double eight