Упр 2 Сделайте данные предложения отрицательными и вопросительными.Дайте краткий ответ на вопрос. 1. I am Dima. 2. Dima is a student. 3. My father and mother are doctors.
1. He started at school at the age of seven. 2.After four years of primary school, at the age of eleven he went to secondary school. 3.Primary and secondary schools together comprise eleven years of study. 4.Nine years of classes are compulsory in our republic. 5.The primary school curriculum included such subjects as Kazakh, Maths, Russian, Drawing, Physical Training and Music. 6.The school year begin on the first of September and ends in May. 7.We have 4 holidays a year: winter, spring, summer and autumn. 8.We got acquainted with our teachers on the first of September. 9.Every lesson lasts fourty five minutes. 10.Every day we had 4 or 5 lessons. 11.If we don't know how to do my homework I usually ask the teachers for help.
Перевод !Упражнение 11.) Стив Бакстер журналист Он очень занятой человек. Посмотрите на дневник Стива и посмотреть, что он сделал на неделе. B) Задайте все типы вопросов о повседневной деятельности Стива на неделе. Понедельник 21-ого 9.00 - посетить телевизионный центр BBC 14.00 - открытие художественного музея Вторник 22-я 10.15 - интервью Лорд Harley 14 15 - пресс-конференция в Британском музее Среда 23-я 9,30 - обсудить новый проект с г-ном Шорт 15.00 - встретиться с журналистами из Канады Четверг 24-е 11.00 - интервью Сэм Джонс 14 00 - пресс-конференция в Hilton Hotel Пятница 25-е 10.00 - телефон Скотланд-Ярда (главный инспектор Marks)
2.After four years of primary school, at the age of eleven he went to secondary school.
3.Primary and secondary schools together comprise eleven years of study.
4.Nine years of classes are compulsory in our republic.
5.The primary school curriculum included such subjects as Kazakh, Maths, Russian, Drawing, Physical Training and Music.
6.The school year begin on the first of September and ends in May.
7.We have 4 holidays a year: winter, spring, summer and autumn.
8.We got acquainted with our teachers on the first of September.
9.Every lesson lasts fourty five minutes.
10.Every day we had 4 or 5 lessons.
11.If we don't know how to do my homework I usually ask the teachers for help.