ответ:Всегда предупреждайте близких, куда идете.
Не ходите в одиночестве по темным улицам. Выйдите на светлую сторону дороги.
Не надевайте драгоценности, если собираетесь поздно возвращаться домой.
Если к вам подошли незнакомцы и просят провести на какую-то улицу, объясните, как туда дойти, но не провожайте.
Не вешайте ключи на ремне или на шее.
Если за вами кто-то идет или преследует, зайдите в супермаркет или другое общественное место, где можно затеряться.
Не идите с незнакомыми людьми, если вам обещают что-то показать или дать деньги за доставленный багаж.
1 What is the average life of a human in years? a 77
2 What is the approximate population of the planet? d 7 billion
3 What is the distance from London to New York? b 5,585 kilometres
4 How many millimetres are there in a kilometre? b 1,000,000
5 How many years are there in a millennium? a 1,000
6 What is half of a dozen? C six
7 How much time does the average child in Britain watch TV every day? C 3 hours
8 In which century was William Shakespeare born? b 16th
9 What distance is a marathon running race? b 42.195 kilometres
10 How many minutes are there in three quarters of an hour? C 45
11 What was the year of the first Olympic Games? a 776 BC
12 What is the number pi (n)? b 3.142
1. She wore an itsy-bitsy, teenie-weenie, yellow polka dot bikini.
2. Look at those cute little black-and-white spotted Dalmatian puppies.
3. Wee discovered this beautiful sandy, golden deserted beach.
4. They've opened an enormous new purpose-built car facility.
5. We've got a young, tall good-looking Swedish PT teacher.
6. He's bought himself an amazing new all-bells-and-whistles smartphone.
7. She was wearing a gorgeous backless purple silk evening dress.
8. They live in a tiny half-timbered black-and-white country house.
9. He was wearing a rather attractive brightly-coloured paiseley-pattern silk.
10. I've just bought this incredible see-through multi-function Swiss army knife.