1 Today I’d like to tell you about my day. 2 I wake up at 7 o’clock. 3 I get up and go to the bathroom. 4 I wash my face, clean my teeth and have a shower, if I have enough time. 5 After that I get dressed, put on make-up and comb my hair. 6 Before leaving home I usually have breakfast. 7 I have a sandwich and a cup of coffee. 8 Then I go to work. 9 When my workday ends, I come back home. 10 In the evening I prefer to relax at home. 11 Sometimes I watch TV or read a book. 12 Or I may surf the Internet. 13 When it’s late, I go to bed and sleep.
Я хочу рассказать о своем питвнии в течение дня. Утром я встаю в 8:00 (Смотря какая смена шк) я умываюсь и иду завтракать. На завтрак у меня яичница и сок. После того как я позавтракал я иду собираться в школу и иду в школу. В школе я обедаю яблоком или бутербродом с чаем ( что угодно можете писать). После школы я кушаю дома супом и чаем с конфетами. Вот мое питание за целые сутки но есть правильного питание доля и не правельного.
I want to talk about my drinking during the day. In the morning I get up at 8: 00 (Depending on what shift of the school) I wash my face and go to breakfast. I have scrambled eggs and juice for breakfast. After I have had breakfast I go to get ready for school and go to school. At school, I eat an apple or a sandwich with tea (you can write anything). After school, I eat soup and tea with sweets at home. Here is my food for the whole day but there is a right food share and not the right one Инглишь
swam, stayed, took, visited