I believe that most things in our life happen for a reason. However, it’s up to us to find out which reason exactly. Once I was going through a very strange day. Since early morning I had a series of failures. At first, I spilled the entire cup of coffee on a sofa. Then, I got stuck in the lift and one of our neighbors had to call the technician. On the way to school I was hit by a bike. Consequently, I arrived late for the first lesson and was punished by our senior teacher. At the lesson of geography I got a bad mark. After all, I thought this day was never going to end. All I wanted is to get back home as soon as possible and to watch my favourite TV show. My friends noticed I was rather weird that day and asked whether everything was all right with me. I told them about the series of mishaps, which were chasing me since early morning. Hearing that, my friend Lisa said that she also had such an upsetting morning, but the day changed to better closer to the evening. She also said I just had to stay calm and ignore these mishaps. As the lessons were over, I hurried home. My parents were still at work, so no one would distract me from watching the “The Big Bang Theory”. As I was trying to unlock the front door, I heard a strange sound, like mewing. At a closer look I saw a middle-sized box next to the lawn with a small, cute kitten in it. I was lost in admiration. I had long dreamt of having a kitten but nobody would present me one. This was such an unexpected surprise. In a flash I forgot about all the incidents that I had during the day. All I wanted is to wait for my parents and thank them for a lovely present. When they returned from work, they were also shocked. Surprisingly, they didn’t buy me a kitten and we never found out who did.
Let me tell you about my lifestyle. I know one thing for sure that my life is never boring.The motto of my life is: "Don’t be lazy".I understand that I have just one life so I can’t waste time.I try to lead a healthy lifestyle. No matter how busy I am, I always find time for sport.It doesn’t seem an unimportant thing for me.
Позвольте мне рассказать вам о своем образе жизни. Я знаю точно одну вещь, что моя жизнь не бывает скучной. Девиз моей жизни: «Не будь ленивым». Я понимаю, что у меня только одна жизнь, таким образом, я не могу тратить время впустую.Я стараюсь вести здоровый образ жизни. Не важно, как я занят, я всегда нахожу время для спорта.Это не кажется для меня неважной вещью.