Present Simple:
1 I go to school every day
. 2. My mother doesn’t work.
3. My father works as a translator.
4 My grandparents watch TV in the evening.
5 I like dogs
.6 It is very interesting.
7 They like rock music.
8I get up at 7 o’clock in the morning every day.
9 She works too much.
10 I need to take a holiday
Present Continuous:
1.I am speaking.
2.You are joking.
3.We are reading.
4.I am sitting in front of you/
5.She is telling me a story.
6.The child is playing.
7.The door is belling.
8.The dog is running.
9.I am thinking about you.
10.You are preparing your homework.
Past Simple:
1.He did it very well
2.I slept for two hours
3.I went to Italy last month
4.We played football
5.You did the right thing
6.She was really angry
7.The boys stayed at home
8.I went to the cinema yesterday evening
9.We had breakfast an hour ago
10.I didn’t do it
Отметь мой ответ, как лучший
I have been learning Spanish now for three years(Pres.Perf.Continuous)-Я уже 3 года изучаю испанский язык
What have been the best parts of your experience so far?(Pres.Perfect)-каковы были лучшие части вашего опыта?
One of the best things has definitely been the experience of living with a host family(Pres.Perf)-Одной из лучших вещей, безусловно, был опыт жизни с принимающей семьей
My hosts have been treating me like part of their family(Pres.Perf.Cont)-моя принимающая семья обращались со мной как с частью своей семьи.
I've been struggling a bit(Pres.Perf.Cont)-я немного поборолся
I've become more self-confident(Pres.Perfect)-Я стал более увереннее в себе.
My Spanish has improved even more than I expected(Pres.Perfect)-Мой испанский улучшился даже больше, чем я ожидал