I like watching "Mickey Mouse" - because its funny. My favourite hero its Mickey. In this cartoon heroes is: Mickey Mouse , Pluto. I recommend you watch this cartoon.
1) -Yes, I have. -When did you bought it? -I bought it three days ago 2) -Yes,he has. - When did he call her? - He called her three days ago 3) -Yes,they have. -When did they be here? - They were in Paris three days ago 4) -Yes, they have -When did they find it? -They found it three days ago 5) -Yes, I have -When did you begin it? -I began it three days ago 6) -Yes, she has -When did she have it? -she has it thre hours ago 7) -Yes, they have -when did they finish it? - they finished it three days ago 8) -yes, he has -when he plays the piano ? -he plays the piano very often
Каждый ученик проявляет уважение к старшим, оказывает младшим, если она им необходима, бережно относится не только к своим, но и к чужим вещам, выполняет все и требования работников школьного заведения.Учащиеся не применяют физическую силу и грубые выражения, не вступают в конфликтные ситуации.Все ученики уступают дорогу взрослым, мальчики – девочкам, старшие – младшим.Запрещено покидать территорию школы во время уроков без ведома учителей или школьного руководства.Запрещено употребление или ношение с собой наркотических средств, алкогольных напитков, сигарет, одурманивающих средств
I like watching "Mickey Mouse" - because its funny. My favourite hero its Mickey. In this cartoon heroes is: Mickey Mouse , Pluto. I recommend you watch this cartoon.