The Correct Answer to the Question 3. Do Not Forget to Say These Words
lite2 for men to wear hats in the house.
rything in Britain. Say please when you ask for
some useful information. Read the texts and match the titles vir
40 While preparing for their trip to London, the Russian students
1. How to Greet' People at Different Times of the Day
4. Be Polite When You Are Visiting British Family
A. In Britain people often start conversations with their friends
are you?" Remember that it is not really a question about health
(or not bad), thank you. And you?” Do not explain how you really
B. There are different words to greet people in English: good morning
(until 6.00 pm), good evening (until midnight) and hello. You on
morning, in the daytime or in the evening.
C. If a British family invites you to their house, be careful to come on
not necessary to take your shoes off when you enter someone sho
D. Always say please and thank you. They are very important
guage. It is polite to say Thank you (Thanks, Thanks a lot of
Доповніть речення правильною формою поданих слів. Використовуйте Present Perfect або Past Simple. Я не голодний. Я
просто / їли
його ключ. Він не може потрапити у свою квартиру.
Джек і Сара
одружений два роки. Вони зараз розлучені.
цей фільм?
Мона не буде грати на гітарі на концерті. Вона
її рука.
нове плаття минулих вихідних.
Мій батько
не / читати
газета вчора.
ніколи / гравець
футбол у моєму житті.
Кім тут немає. Вона
Скільки віршів
Олександр Пушкін / пишіть