1. She had to leave the party yesterday – she wasn’t well. 2. We have to go home because our mother is waiting for us. 3. She could have gone earlier, but she didn’t. 4. He said I could go for a walk. 5. I was rather afraid that he might act as though as we were intimate friends. But I need not have worried. 6. He is going to be there, and I am to play Juliet. 7. Harry, you are horrible! You mustn’t say these dreadful things. 8. The telephone went on ringing. Anne said: “It may be Edmund. He must have missed his plane.” 9. Everything is packed, except my shirts, so you need not trouble. 10. Do you have to get up early every morning?
Частица 'to' пишется в следующих случаях : - с глаголами, которые употребляются с данной частицей ( afford, fail, agree, learnt, hope, refuse, promise, want, would, etc, полный список можно найти в интернете ) - с глаголами make, let, feel, see в пассивном залоге. С прилагательными to be happy to, to be glad to, etc.
'To' без инфинитива: - после модальных глаголов ( can, must, might, etc); - после make, let, see, feel в активном залоге; - после would rather, had better; - после why not.
Герундий употребляются после глаголов : finish, risk, suggest, admit, practice, etc. После предлогов : at, in, before, after about, etc.