at the end of december, every student in russia passes tests and exams. i am in college and on december 28 i started my vacation. the whole of russia celebrates the new year very widely. each house has a christmas tree, the streets and shop windows are beautifully decorated. 31 numbers in each house the festive table is laid the closest people gather together, all give gifts to each other, and children wait for a miracle from santa claus. in europe, the new year is celebrated not as widely as in russia because there is the main holiday-catholic christmas-december 25. in russia, christmas-january 7, usually christmas in russia is celebrated by believers, and in the circles of relatives and closest people. i love new year holidays very much. this is the time when you can walk around the city and enjoy the beauty of moscow. i love spending time outdoors, walking in the park, to ski or on skates or on a cheesecake. 14 january, my break is over
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Big Ben is the national symbol of Great Britain.
It is a clock on the tower of the Palace of Westminster in London. Namely, it is a bell in the clock. The designer of the tower is English architect August Pugin. He designed it in 1858. It weights 13.5 tons and it is 318 feet high. Big Ben is one of the famous buildings of the UK.
Биг Бен является национальным символом Великобритании.
Это часы на башне Вестминстерского дворца в Лондоне. А именно, это колокол в часах. Конструктором башни является английский архитектор Огастес Пьюджин . Он разработал его в 1858 году. Он весит 13.5 тонн, и 318 футов в высоту. Биг-Бен является одним из самых известных зданий в Великобритании.
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