every year on september 27, the world celebrates an important holiday - world tourism day. today we will learn about his story.
we see that we have everything that we tell about our plans. all this unites one theme - tourism.
from antiquity to modern times
tourism day is celebrated in all countries. also this holiday is professional for workers of the sphere of tourism.
originally from spain
in 1979, on september 27, in the city of torremolino (spain), the assembly of the world tourism organization held meetings at the third session. world tourism organization (the main organization in the field of tourism).
purpose and motto
annually, the day of tourism is held under a certain motto. the motto is chosen by the world tourism organization; in the same way, as well as the whole world, questions of economy, education, ecology, world peace, sports, etc.
for example, in 1986, the holiday was held under the motto “tourism is the life force for world peace”, and in 2015 - “one billion tourists - one billion opportunities”.
the main goal of the holiday is to popularize tourism and to establish links between different countries. people need to understand that everything is in a separate country. to realize its values: political, economic, social.
from the world of tourism
our planet has a huge number of places you want to visit. someone loves mountains, someone loves the sea. one is interesting to ride the bus through the cities, the other - to walk. everyone chooses their own type of tourism, which depends on the purpose of the trip, pastime, etc. what are the most popular types of tourism - we learn together.
ecological tourism
visit untouched natural sites. these are trips to natural areas, forests, etc. the goal is the preservation of the natural environment, its study and enjoyment.
educational tourism
a trip to another country for the purpose of training. these can be language courses, advanced training, education, etc. such trips can be either short (a week) or long (6 months).
medical and health tourism
trips to sanitary and resort facilities for the purpose of recovery.
business tourism
business trips to other countries. in other words - business trips.
religious tourism (pilgrimage)
trips of representatives of different religions in the holy places.
recreational tourism
trips for the purpose of rest, recuperation and energy.
exotic tourism
travel to unusual corners of the planet. for example, trips to africa or antarctica.
extreme tourism
tourist holidays associated with mountaineering, diving, etc.
do you like it?
There is no evidence to suggest that women shop more than men. It’s only that females enjoy shopping more than males do. In 2013, a study of 2,000 shoppers in the UK found that men got bored of shopping within 26 minutes, while women did not show any signs of fatigue for a good two hours. Imagine the plight of male shoppers accompanying their partners at shopping malls. The UK study found that one out of two shopping trips with partners ended in arguments. A distraught Chinese man jumped to his death at a Beijing mall in 2013 because, even after a five-hour marathon shopping spree, his girlfriend wanted to check out another garment showroom.
To ensure that men don’t discourage their partners from splurging, some malls have set up day care centres for grown up men. They can relax and watch TV with snacks and drinks while their women empty their wallets and swipe plastic undisturbed. A spa in Gurgaon serves sandwiches and coffee if you go there during lunchtime.
Why do the genders have such different responses to an essential activity of daily life? One theory says that hundreds of thousands of years of conditioning makes men and women behave like this. When our ancestors lived in caves, the males went out to hunt animals while females gathered food (fruits, veggies, berries) from the forests. For the male hunters, it was necessary to make the kill quickly and get back to the safety of the settlement as fast as they could. That’s how some men shop—enter the store, choose a product, make the payment and get out fast.
But female gatherers were not in such a tearing hurry. For them, foraging for food was also a social event where they bonded with other females of the tribe, inspecting every bush and tree with care and choosing the best quality of food available.
That’s how a lot of women still shop—comparing products, looking at alternatives and exchanging notes with friends and colleagues.
Past Simple
1. Mum cooked a pie yesterday
2. I tried to swim last week
3. Father built house for our dog last month
4. She played a tennis an hour ago
5. You ate my burger yesterday
Past Continuous
1. She wasn’t playing computer games when her Mother came in
2. It wasn’t raining when tha basketball match started
3. I wasn’t having a dinner when he came in
4. The children were playing football all day long in the yard
5. I was watching TV while he was doing his homework