In addition to the huge number of theaters and museums, there are the places of worship like the Tower of London, Westminster Abbey, Tower Bridge, Big Ben, the famous London Eye wheel viewing and many other interesting places. I'll tell you about the two sites. Most mysterious attraction of England is Stonehenge, the famous prehistoric building of huge boulders. Stonehenge is one of the most mysterious places on the planet Earth England is famous for its cathedral, one of the most prominent of which is the Winchester Cathedral in Hampshire, one of the best examples of English Gothic. For true connoisseurs of tradition, history and architecture in England there is a myriad of interesting places for a visit which could take several months.
People have invented many useful devices. one of the most interesting and widely-used inventions is the telephone. the modern phone that we use today is the result of work of many people. the first person to have patented the telephone in 1876 was alexander graham bell. he is credited as the inventor of this practical device. other scientists who also worked on telephone invention were elisha gray, antonio meucci, thomas edison and some others. the 20th century was the era of phone development and modernization. rotary telephones were replaced by touch-tone dials and other sophisticated features. modern phones are presented mostly by mobiles, which support ip telephony and wi-fi. it is almost impossible to find a person nowadays who doesn’t have a personal mobile phone. these phones have become highly popular over the last years. they are rather compact, handy and easy to carry around. mobile phones allow us to make instant calls, send text messages, listen to music, play games, take photos, check an e-mail and else. thus, they have replaced not only landlines but also personal computers, mp3-players and cameras. however, there are many people in the world who are against mobiles phones. doctors claim that this device has a bad effect on people’s health. it can damage our eyesight and immune system. the signals that are sent from mobiles can be harmful. some people also believe that phones prevent live communication. and, it is true. with the appearance of mobile phones and computers people meet up with friends less often. in my opinion, telephone is a very useful and important device. we simply can’t live without it in the modern world, even though it is not safe for health. the only solution is to try to use it less in everyday life.
Atypical day can be occupied with many things, but it is possible in order. 1) you can read a book, if we read a book, we develop our horizons. 2) thanks to our technology and the internet, we can bake something, there are an infinite number of different recipes and with cooking and being cooked in advance, you can surprise your loved ones with your skills and from when your family eats your dish, you will get great pleasure and partly pride. 3) get out if you have a mess, your help in cleaning up your mom will not interfere, since your mom works and can not get out, and so you will bring great vkalad to your mom. обычный день можно занять многими делами, но можно по порядку. 1) можно почитать книгу, если мы почитаем книгу мы развиваем свой кругозор. 2) , нашим технологиям и интернету, мы можем испечь что-нибудь, есть бесконечное множество разных рецептов и с готовкой и бысро приготавляемые, вы можете удивить своих близких своими уменями и от того когда твоя семья ест твое блюдо, вы получите большое удовольствие и отчасти гордость. 3) убраться, если у вас беспорядок, не помешает ваша в уборке маме, так как ваша мама работает и не может убраться, а так вы большой вкалад принесет своей маме.
In addition to the huge number of theaters and museums, there are the places of worship like the Tower of London, Westminster Abbey, Tower Bridge, Big Ben, the famous London Eye wheel viewing and many other interesting places.
I'll tell you about the two sites.
Most mysterious attraction of England is Stonehenge, the famous prehistoric building of huge boulders. Stonehenge is one of the most mysterious places on the planet Earth
England is famous for its cathedral, one of the most prominent of which is the Winchester Cathedral in Hampshire, one of the best examples of English Gothic.
For true connoisseurs of tradition, history and architecture in England there is a myriad of interesting places for a visit which could take several months.