1. I want to wash my hair, but there isn’t any shampoo in the bathroom.
2. The house has got no furniture in it. It’s empty.
3. After lunch I asked the waiter for some tea.
4. Could you lend me some money? – I have no cash in my wallet, but I have some money in the bank.
5. I’m going to the post office. Have you got any letters to post?
6. I need to book a hotel in Germany as I haven’t got any friends who could put me up there.
7. There are no shops in my village, just a post office and a pub.
8. Julia never has any breakfast in the morning. She isn’t hungry.
9. There is no food in the fridge. What are we going to eat?
10. What film would you like to watch? – Let's watch any film you’ve got. I don’t care.
11. I phoned you yesterday but there was no answer.
1. The three men worked in New York. F
2. They got a room in a hotel. T
3. They went to the cinema. F
4. The lift didn’t work. T
5. They slept in the hall. F
6. Andy lost the key. T
II. Translate into Russian. (Перевести на русский язык)
1. Том, Петя и Андрей пришли в отель.
2. Friends returned to the hotel in the evening.
Друзья вернулись в отель вечером
3. The lift was broken.
Лифт был поломан
4. Pete will tell us an interesting story.
Петя рамказал нам интересную историю
5. Pete has no key with him.
Петя не имеел ключий з ним.
III. Translate into English. (Перевести на английский язык)
1. Они пришли на 34 этаж.
They came to 34th floоr
2. Слуга в гостинице сказал им.
Servant said him in hall.
3. Вы можете спать в холле.
I can sleep at hall.
4. Я расскажу мою грустную историю.
I tell my sad story
5. Нелегко подняться на 45 этаж.
Not easy to come to 45th floor