On the team we take salyanku potato, carrot , tomato paste , oil, cabbage, meat, onion, salt , spices . Chopped meat put in the stewpot, pour oil and put into chopped carrot and onion in stewpot sprinkle with spices and deep fried to a desired result . When the meat is well done add chopped potatoes and 4-5 pieces of chopped cabbage . I add some salt to taste , then if necessary you can add tomato paste
You're having breakfast from the morning? - no actually I don't have time for breakfast. Why do you always buy this journal? You like it? - I am buy this journals for my mother, she loves to read it. You're friends play sports? - yes alll of them participates in different kinds of sport club. - and what kind of sports do you play? I am part of the football team. Where does Nick work? - he is a lawyer and works in bank. How often do you water flowers? I water them 3 times a week. Who helps your brother to pick his clothes? - actually he buys clothes on his own, sometimes ask for my help. Where do her parents go for summer? - they always spend their vacation with friends in the mountains. Which music does Diana listen to? - sometimes she listens to classical music, but more she likes to watch musical shows on tv.
1. was traveling
2. was packing
3. were watching
4. were waiting
5. was writing
6. was practising
7. was working
8. were singing
9. was teaching
10. were doing
1. were playing
2. was preparing
3. were playing
4. was practising
5. weren't cycling
6. was working, were swimming
7. weren't listening
8. were you doing
9. were sitting
10. was reading