Упражнение 76. Ставьте вопросы к словам, выделенным жирным шрифтом. 1. Микросреда напрямую влияет на организацию. 2. Маркетинговые посредники относятся к торговым посредникам, физическим дистрибьюторским фирмам, агентствам маркетинговых услуг и финансовым посредникам. 3. Общественность, выступающая за гражданские действия, включает экологические группы и группы меньшинств. 4. Компания должна иметь стратегическое преимущество перед своими конкурентами. 5. Рыночная среда состоит как из макросреды, так и из микросреды. 3АКПБИТБ
One day I went into the woods. The forest was not far from the city. I went there by car. I decided to spend the night there. I put the tent under a tree. Night has come. I made a fire. This night was very dark and cold. I went to sleep, and suddenly I heard a terrible howl. I looked out of the tent. There was a wolf. I went back. And he began to think of how to escape from it. I tossed a bone. The wolf ran after her. During this time, I ran out and got into his car. I wound up and it went from there.
Russian painted wooden doll appeared in Russia in the 90s of XIX century, in a period of rapid economic and cultural development of the country. It was time to lift the national consciousness, when the society became more insistently manifest interest in Russian culture in general and art in particular. In this regard, there was a whole artistic movement known as the "Russian style". Restoration and development of traditional folk peasant toys given special attention. workshop "Children's Education" was opened this purpose in Moscow. Initially it created a doll that demonstrated festive costumes inhabitants of different provinces, counties Russia and accurately passed on ethnographic peculiarities of the female folk costumes. In the depths of this workshop and the idea to create a Russian wooden dolls, sketches of which were proposed by professional artist Sergei Malyutin (1859-1937), one of the most active creators and promoters of "Russian style" in art. The idea of creating a detachable wooden doll was inspired by SV Malyutin Japanese toy, brought back from the island of Honshu, the wife of Savva Mamontov. It was a figure of good-natured bald old man, the sage Fukuramy, in which there were a few more figures, nested one inside the other.
Упражнение 76. Ставьте вопросы к словам, выделенным жирным шрифтом. 1. Микросреда напрямую влияет на организацию. 2. Маркетинговые посредники относятся к торговым посредникам, физическим дистрибьюторским фирмам, агентствам маркетинговых услуг и финансовым посредникам. 3. Общественность, выступающая за гражданские действия, включает экологические группы и группы меньшинств. 4. Компания должна иметь стратегическое преимущество перед своими конкурентами. 5. Рыночная среда состоит как из макросреды, так и из микросреды. 3АКПБИТБ