вроде some
Я думаю ты имел(-а) ввиду не bream а dream)))
Вот и эссе!))
Today, any modern student knows that graduation is not only the time for rigorous exams and romantic graduation parties, but also the most crucial step in the life of every person - the choice of a future profession. But another thing is also known - it is impossible to become a happy person without revealing your potential in your beloved and thoroughly studied profession. One who is preparing to make his choice should remember one thing: there are no boring or uninteresting professions in the world, there is a lack of craving and ability to do one or another thing.
Мой любимый десерт - мороженое. Мороженое очень вкусное, сладкое. Это продукт для удовольствия. Я люблю его есть летом, когда очень жарко, а ты наслаждаешься мороженым. Для меня любимых мороженых нет. Все очень вкусные. Но в последнее время я начал есть шоколадное мороженое. Оно очень сладкое и питательное! Я ем холодное мороженое только летом, а зимой я его согреваю в микроволновой печи. Ребята, ешьте мороженое!
My favorite dessert is ice cream. Ice cream is very tasty, sweet. This is a product for pleasure. I love eating it in the summer, when it is very hot, and you enjoy ice cream. For me, there is no favorite ice cream. All very tasty. But lately, I started eating chocolate ice cream. It is very sweet and nutritious! I only eat cold ice cream in the summer, and in the winter I warm it in the microwave. Guys, eat ice cream!
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