1 Я вернусь завтра. (Он сказал)
2 Мне не нравится эта музыка. ( Она сказала)
3 Где находится автовокзал? ( Она спросила меня)
4 Вы закончили? ( Я спросил его)
5 Хочешь чай или кофе? (Он спросил ее)
6 Я уберу квартиру. (Она предложила)
7 Когда машина будет готова? ( Я спросил)
8 Что я здесь делаю? ( Я поинтересовался)
9 Земля не плоская. (Он доказал)
10 Чего хочет босс? ( Я спросил)
11 Мэри позвонила? ( Я поинтересовался)
12 Вам следует обратиться к врачу. (Он посоветовал мне)
13 Хочешь выпить? ( Она спросила меня)
14 Ее кошка понимает все, что она говорит. (Она думала)
15 Никто не любит меня. ( Я почувствовал)
я не буду решать на перевод
Creativity and originality are important features for communicating with people. These things can make a person a leader .These qualities are important because without them, no one will be accepted into society. Creativity and originality are the basis of a colorful person. Any conversations without such bright people may not last long . These people need more space for their creativity. They can improvise at lightning speed. These people are amazing aren't they?
The world needs such people because without them it will no longer be a bright world.
Most people in the world have studied or are studying in school. We begin to study from seven years.Usually in schools educate for five or six days a week. In our shool we are lerning for six days. Lessons in our school start in two o'clock and finish in a quarter to seven.
Most of the students walk to school, but some come by car or use public transport to get to school, because they live far away. Usually in class are studying from twenty five to thirty students. Every form has has his class teacher.
The school has several educational stages. The first stage is from first till fourth form.
This is a grade school. At this stage we are learning to read and to write, beginning to learn foreign languages.
The second stage is from fifth till ninth form. This is a high school. After the ninth grade, we can get a certificate.
The third stage is from tenth till eleventh form. This is a senior school. After the eleventh grade, we get a certificate of complete secondary education. In our school there are a lot of specialized classes. We are studying two languages English and Russian. Russian is our native language, but English we begin to teach from the second grade.
Parents also take a part in school life. In our school, parent conferences are held four times in a year.
You can become a student of our school, if you pass some exams.
All the students in our school are very friendly. So, I like my school so much.
Вот, держи)