Nowadays, almost every home has access to the Internet. We use the Internet for various purposes: gaining necessary information, taking part in communities, and even making money.
In my opinion, modern life can hardly be imagined without the world-wide web. The Internet can be helpful to everybody, including students. Firstly, students can use the Internet for learning purposes. I suppose that it is the strongest reason why they should get access to the Internet. Thousands websites place a mass of good information at the disposal of any person interested in mathematics, chemistry, foreign languages, etc. Many school teachers create special resources for their students. Secondly, the Internet offers a wide range of leisure opportunities. You can get in touch with your friends and send them e-mail messages, picture-cards, photos. You can make new friends from the whole world. The Internet offers a wonderful solution to the problem of loneliness.
Nick is a first-year … student of the Economical Faculty of the University. His classes … begin at 9.30. Nick lives with his … parents . Nick’s mother wakes him up and his … working day begins. He usually does his morning … exercises before breakfast. Nick usually has a cup of … coffee and some sandwiches for breakfast. Sometimes his mother cooks … porridge for him. He leaves the … house at eight and walks to the metro … station . It usually takes him about an … hour to get there. He has lectures on different … subjects . As a … rule , he has 3 or 4 classes a day. Usually he doesn’t … miss his classes because he wants to pass his … exams successfully. Nick comes home at about 6 … o’clock in the evening. After supper he … usually watches TV.