Over the past hundred years, apparel development lags far behind the progress of science. Synthetics, "lightning", "Velcro", buttons, new colors - here, perhaps, and all the gifts of the space age. Fashion Fads offset the shortage of technical innovations, but the clothing industry still remains conservative. We wear the same wardrobe items that our ancestors thousands of years ago, and they are often made from the same natural materials. Is it possible that in the far-distant galaxy, where no man has gone before, the fashion will be strict black suit of English
Over the past hundred years, apparel development lags far behind the progress of science. Synthetics, "lightning", "Velcro", buttons, new colors - here, perhaps, and all the gifts of the space age. Fashion Fads offset the shortage of technical innovations, but the clothing industry still remains conservative. We wear the same wardrobe items that our ancestors thousands of years ago, and they are often made from the same natural materials. Is it possible that in the far-distant galaxy, where no man has gone before, the fashion will be strict black suit of English
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