Вариант 2 1. Read and choose.
1) Can I have a carton // of jam?
2) Can I have a kilo/bar of potatoes?
3) Can I have a tin of bread beans'!
4) Can I have a bottle of cake Coke?
2 Fill in How many or How much.
1) ... butter is there in the fridge?
2) - pineapples are there in the box?
3) -- salt do you need?
4) lemons has he got?
3. Choose the correct word.
1. I have got... sugar.
a) many
b) much
c) alotof
2. There are -- oranges in the basket.
a) many
b) much
c) alotof
3. Do you need... bananas for the fruit salad?
a) many
b) much
c) alotof
There isn't.. cheese left in the fridge,
a) many
b) much
c) alotof
4. Read and match.
1) Can you pass me the salt, please?
2) How many sandwiches are there?
3) Can I have a bar of chocolate, please?
May I have chips and burgers, please?
a) Sure. Here you are.
b) No, you may not. They are not healthy
6) A lot!
Yes, of course. Here you are. That's one pound, please.
2) С кем вы туда поехали?
3) Какие транспортные средства вы использовали?
4) Как долго вы там?
5) Вам понравилась ваша поездка или нет? Почему?
Я поехал на дачу.
Я поехал туда со своими родителями и сестрой.
Мы ехали туда на машине.
Там мы были 2 дня.
Мне понравилась эта поездка, потому что там мы играли, ухаживали за растениями и другие занятия которые я люблю.
I went to the country.
I went there with my parents and sister.
We went there by car.
There we were 2 days.
I liked this trip because we played there, took care of plants and other classes that I love.