У Фредди есть старший двоюродный брат, который его намного старше. Его зовут Боб. Фредди-полная противоположность Бобу. Скажи, как выглядит Фредди. Боб -высокий и сильный. Он стройный. У него светлые длинные вьющиеся волосы. У него овальное лицо. Прямой нос. У него большие светло-голубые глаза. Он работящий. Он -надежный. Freddy is short and weak.He is fat. He has dark hair which is straight and short. His nose is snub. He has a round face. He has small and dark brown eyes. Freddy is lazy. He is unreliable.
hi - whether didn't see It was pleasant to you a trip to America Yes, very much hi-long ago it was pleasant And why youwent to America? I wanted to visit this country long ago, it was my dream That most of all was pleasant to you? It was pleasant to me goodwill of people, and their communication with the people who arrived from other countries and also, I liked clean air What sights you visited? I was in the Disneyland, visited the White house, and saw the Statue of Liberty And what such the Disneyland? It is entertaining park, children with the families go there to have a good time. You would like to remain there? yes I would like, but my homeland Kazakhstan, here all my native, here my friends, is expensive to me our nature and I would like to work for the benefit of the homeland. Having learned from you about America, I wanted to go there. Yes, I advise you. Thanks, very so far
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