Transform the words written in capital letters to make them match grammatically with the contents of the text.
Tutankhamun 1) Pharaoh of Egypt at a very young age.
He 2) for only nine years
because he 3) at the age of 18.
The people 4) him in the Valley of the Kings in southern Egypt.
Over 3,000 years later, in 1922, an archaeologist, Henry Carter, 5) the forgotten tomb.
It 6) a lot of treasures inside it, including a beautiful gold mask.
After Carter 7) Tut’s tomb, one of his men 8) (get) sick and died,
a cobra 9) Carter’s pet bird and
other strange things 10) . Some people believe this is because of a terrible ancient curse!
How would mother go on living with him if it were like this!
I would be grateful if Jack distributed this text.
I should be grateful if this text was circulated as a document.
Even if I remembered them, whom could they interest?
If Mike challenged you to a duel, what should you do?
But if wind energy could be more efficiently stored, wind power could(would) compete with other types of electricity generation.
if Katerina really came first to Tatyana's lodgings, Marya could(would) detain her.
If six of us had to die on the way, what would keep me from crying?
I would ship as a loafer if ever I shipped at all.
Montezuma would be very angry, if I were sacrificed in such a far-off town.