(+) My friends arrive in Kyiv on Monday. (-) My friends don't arrive in Kyiv on Monday . ? Do your friends arrive in Kyiv on Monday ? When do your friends arrive in Kyiv ? Who arrives in Kyiv on Monday?
(+) The boys arrived in France at 12:15. (-) The boys don't arrived in France at 12:15. ?. Do the boys arrived in France at 12:15? When do the boys arrived in France? Who arrives in Franse at 12:15?
(+) My friends arrive in Kyiv on Monday. (-) My friends don't arrive in Kyiv on Monday . ? Do your friends arrive in Kyiv on Monday ? When do your friends arrive in Kyiv ? Who arrives in Kyiv on Monday?
Вносить предложения для ваших друзей или родственников и записать их. Пример: вы хотите сыграть в шахматы со своим другом.- Почему бы нам не сыграть в шахматы? 1. Вы думаете, что ваш друг-хороший спортсмен и может быть членом вашего школьного спортивного клуба.- ... . 2. Вы хотели бы пойти на стадион и там тренируется вместе со своим другом.-... . 3. Вы попросите друга присоединиться к вам в велопоход.-... 4. Вы хотите купить билеты на финальный футбольный матч и поехать туда со своими друзьями-... . После тире до пиши по своему усмотрению.
Our second class was English and it was great. We listened to the song “Old MacDonalds had a farm” and then we all sang it. After that we had the game “Guess the Noise”. We were having a lot of fun when our headmaster Mr Loveday walked into the classroom. He began to play with us and made a very realistic elephant noise. While he was making that noise all the pupils were laughing. They laughed for at least five minutes, I think. Mr Loveday is always so serious but he was so funny during the game.
(+) My friends arrive in Kyiv on Monday.
(-) My friends don't arrive in Kyiv on Monday .
? Do your friends arrive in Kyiv on Monday ?
When do your friends arrive in Kyiv ?
Who arrives in Kyiv on Monday?
(+) The boys arrived in France at 12:15.
(-) The boys don't arrived in France at 12:15.
?. Do the boys arrived in France at 12:15?
When do the boys arrived in France?
Who arrives in Franse at 12:15?