С самого маленького возроста у человека начинаю появлятся вредные и полезные привычки ..каких больше у каждого человека по разному,и это зависит от самого человека ..У меня есть вредные привычки,но Я стараюсь от них избавляться вот некоторые из них : я много времени провожу за компьютером,телевизором,вместо того чтобы пойти и Погулять;иногда ложусь поздно спать;не всегда утром делаю зарядку;но у меня есть и полезные привычки :я занимаюсь здоровым образом жизни;много гуляю в свободное время на свежем воздухе
I think that one of the most difficult, responsible and honorable professions, it can be called the profession of teacher. Indeed, much important and necessary for the development of mankind are concluded in their difficult task. To be a good teacher it is necessary to have many positive qualities of character, abilities, knowledge, skills and, of course, talent. Indeed, the ability to teach children and young people, to teach them as what you can do yourself, to instill in them the positive qualities - all this is given wide from being everyone. It seems to me that all teachers really want in the future to be proud of their former students; teachers want that they (former students) have reached certain pinnacles of career and personal life. And when it doesn`t happen, I think that every teacher is upset, worried and experience a sensation of guilt. And how many nerves, physical and spiritual strength are spent by the teachers on their work, on their aspiration to give us their experience and knowledge. The salary of the teacher always leaves much to be desired. But one of the main features of the profession of a teacher is teaching not for money but for ideological reasons. Gratitude of pupils, whom he puts so much time and efforts, will be the main award for any teacher. Teachers do spare neither themselves nor their health, sacrificing all for us – theirs pupils. And if we repay them for their warmth, respect and love, and remember about favorite teacher and even after graduation, it will be the best reward for him. Thus, if to be frank, I can say that I have no favorite teacher. I love all of the teachers and respect them for a very hard job. And I would like that the state more and better care about people belonging to the profession of a teacher!
1. Lola enjoys reading, which she does a lot.
2. I am not minding to pay the loan.
3. My father is busy cooking dinner.
4. Anna started playing the piano when she was five.
5. Go on doing your homework in all subjects.
6. Felicia hates working as a manager. (не уверена)
7. All my family prefer drinking coffee without sugar.
8. I stopped helping all my classmates with their homework.
9. Tom keeps talking about his hobby.
10. Benedict Cumberbatch loves reading a lot.