1. natural disasters cannot be prevented, but we can be prepared for them. 2. first of all, we can donate money, food or clothing to charitable foundations. the houses of the victims will be destroyed. 4. it seems to me that on the internet you can tell about your problem, about the disaster that happened. 5.yes at this time there are so many films about natural disasters such as "geostorm", "towards the storm" and so far.6. in my opinion, the worst natural disaster is hurricanes and earthquakes, because people's homes will be destroyed.
if i were the director in 90s i shot the pulp fiction, if i were the director nowadays i make the simple movie, named "the great fichi adventure".
it will be film about very important things and perennial questions. fichi is a ordinary school boy, who accidentally entered into a magic world by the bathroom. but in this world he turns into blue pony and he forgets his real name. later in the inner city among the gangsters he meet his friend named frogman and they side by side like don quixote nad sancho panza to begin their great adventure with dangerous dungeons and gorgerous pony princess. together they going to find a new comrades, become familiar with subway nation and try to defeat evil wizard. tom cruise in central role.
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