A) ...phoned your mother? b) ...played computer games? c) ...walked in the park? d) ... helped your mother with the housework? e) ... travelled abroad? f) ...wanted to eat an ice-cream? g) ...listen to music? h) ... were late for school?
6. Her family sail the house boat down the river and visit new places in the summer
7. She shares her room with jer little sister
8They have two beds, a desk, a computer and a TV
The accessories in my bedroom are small but big enough. It is filled with different kinds of art, photos and bedding. On the wall is a black outlined photo frame with photos of me and my family and our holiday to Bukhara. On my bed is a light purple duvet with a big blanket folded on the end. 2 long pillows sit on top of my bed behind a small, dark square pillow. On the very top of my tall draws of my dressers are a couple of drink bottles, along with a cup I got from netball this season. There are loads of different earrings dangling off of a metal sheet, which is shaped into a dog. There are so many little pieces to remember that I don’t even know nearly half of them even exist. The accessories are the things I think help make my room unique.
Петр звонит Маше по телефону:П: Привет,как дела?М: Привет хорошо,у тебя как?П:Отлично,мама купила мне 2 билета в кино,пойдёшь со мной?М:да,но только мне сначала надо закончить работу по дому.П:что тебе надо сделать?М: убрать кровать,помыть посуду и помыть пол дома .П: давай я к тебе прийду и М:давай. Peter calls Masha by phone A: Hi, how are you? M: Hi, well, you have both? P: Well, my mom bought me two tickets to the movies, go with me? M: Yes, but first I have to finish the housework. P: What do you want to do? M: clean bed, wash the dishes and clean the floor of the house. P: I come to you I shall come and help? M: come on.
1. Her surname is Walker
2.she is 13 years old
3. She lives in very unusual house. in the boat
4.Her house has 5 rooms
5. she can see ducks and swans out of her window
6. Her family sail the house boat down the river and visit new places in the summer
7. She shares her room with jer little sister
8They have two beds, a desk, a computer and a TV
The accessories in my bedroom are small but big enough. It is filled with different kinds of art, photos and bedding. On the wall is a black outlined photo frame with photos of me and my family and our holiday to Bukhara. On my bed is a light purple duvet with a big blanket folded on the end. 2 long pillows sit on top of my bed behind a small, dark square pillow. On the very top of my tall draws of my dressers are a couple of drink bottles, along with a cup I got from netball this season. There are loads of different earrings dangling off of a metal sheet, which is shaped into a dog. There are so many little pieces to remember that I don’t even know nearly half of them even exist. The accessories are the things I think help make my room unique.