ответ:You have played — Ты играл
He has done — Он сделал
It has turned on — Оно включилось
They have not come — Они не пришли
She has not finished her tasks — Она не выполнила свои задачи
What has he just said? — Что он только что сказал?
How long have you knocked on the door? — Как давно ты стучал в дверь?
Have you ever been to France? — Ты когда-нибудь был (бывал) во Франции?
Have you seen this film about space? — Ты видел этот фильм о космосе?
Has Jimmy bought the tickets yet? — Джимми уже купил билеты?Объяснение:
What you do if you be him?
What will you do if you be him?
2 The first factory build in 1843.
The first factory was built in 1843
3 He not meet the French minister until six o’clock.
He didn't meet the French minister until six o'clock.
4 How long you study at this university ?
How long have you studied at this university?
5 Every year £100 billion give to charities.
Every year £100 billion is given to charities.
6 At the moment they not ship bananas to Europe.
At the moment they aren't shipping bananas to Europe.
7 What you do when the phone ring last night?
What did you do when the phone ring last night?
8 Can you play tennis when you be six?
Could you play tennis when you were six?
9 Luxembourg never have a king.
Luxembourg has never had a king.
10 If you not leave I call the police.
If you don't leave i will call the police.