My name is masha, i don't have a big family: my father is vitya and my mom is irina, me and my younger sister diana. and also i have an aunt marina on my father's side, and uncle david, they have two children, a girl - anya and a boy mark. and aunt anastasia, she also has a boy and a girl - jana and vyacheslav. and on my mother's side is aunt nadia, she also has two children: mira and lyosha. i have wonderful grandmothers and grandfathers. the grandmothers are suzy and katya, grandfathers are called myron and gregory. it is a pity that we all live so far away. but in the summer we see each other. my father's work is connected with cars, he repairs, paints and does many things. mom is a confectioner, she cooks different cakes. my sister is a beginner artist, and i am a dancer. in our free time we like to watch different films with the whole family. my parents always support and give advice to me. i love my family. i want to be a good daughter and make my family happy.
В первой части предложения должно стоять личное местоимение (I, you, he, she, it, we, they) , так как тут подлежащее и сказуемое, поэтому для первой части грамматически подходят все варианты. Но по смыслу (У нас проблема), подлежащее WE не подходит (получится ерунда: У нас проблема. Можем ли мы тебе ?) Посмотрим на вторую часть: тут уже нужны местоимения в объектном падеже (me, you, him, her, it, us, them), поэтому грамматически тут тоже подходят все варианты. По смыслу: у НАС проблема, значит, должны НАМ, поэтому подходит только вариант а)
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