Bob sends you e-mails every day, is he?
1. I have been waiting for you for two hours.
2. She has been cooking dinner for three hours already.
3. I have been reading this book since the beginning of summer.
4. We are leaving for London in May. When you come there in August, we will have been staying there for three months.
5. We have been staying in this hotel nearly a month.
6. How long has she been dating with her brother?
7. Since when have you been starring in films?
8. I have been reading this magazine since I bought it a week ago.
9. He has been living in England for the last eight years.
10. I will have been working at the project for a month when you join me.
11. She had been cooking for an hour when I came.
12. By the end of this year, we will have been running our company for five years.
13. She had been training for a few months and was very fit when I met her.
14. Her husband had been fixing the car since the early morning and she decided to bring him some food.
15. They had been building their own house for the last 2 years and it was almost ready when we met.
16. By the time my friends from Japan arrive, I will have been learning Japanese for a year.
Bob sends you e-mails every day, doesn't he?