Напиши, что произошло. Например: Sam’s car is clean(wash). Sam has washed the car.
1. Mary knows what the film is about. (watch) 2. Tony’s dinner is ready. (cook) 3. My sister’s room is nice, (clean) 4. Mum’s bedroom window is opened. (open) 5. Jane’s plants look fresh. (water)
Modern man, especially urban dwellers, at first glance, does not depend much on the nature. It is surrounded by neat heated homes, factories; transport moves the asphalt streets; River encased in granite; little greenery. Even in rural areas to housing looms plowed fields and woods sometimes turns blue only on the horizon ... But it is misleading. All around us: the structure and machinery, food and consumer goods, raw materials, on which we are working, finally, the energy that consumes a person (whether muscular or mental energy or energy driving the powerful machine) - all this people draw nature of the bins. However, in the labor process the original form, composition and properties of many natural bodies and objects sometimes changed beyond recognition. But in a modified form it is easy to establish that they are made from plant, animal or mineral raw materials.Even clearer connection with nature in cultivated fields, crop plant or pet - their people changed relatively little, turning it into a controlled source of raw materials and food.But the nature of man is not only a source of food and raw materials for industrial processing. The man - part of nature itself - needs in a supportive environment and life with clean water and air; in recreational areas with beautiful landscapes, among which the most well-restored mental and physical strength; in the pristine expanses of hunting and tourism. Scientists consider it necessary to keep all wild plants and animals as a material for introduction to the culture and domestication or hybridization. In addition, engineers are naturally much that they can move in the technique. It is necessary to use nature so that it does not lose all of its useful and necessary for human qualities.
1. He said that they would provide that lab 2. The manager said that they had gone to the well the week before 3. Mr.Brown asked Nastia if she would play the guitar 4. I asked how long he/she/it had stayed in Kazan 5. I said who had defended him the day before 6. Nick asked how I/he/she/it expressed that 7. The chief engineer asked who had seen the explosion on that well 8. The head hunter said not to leave the documents there 9. Peter said to inspect the situation 10. I said that they could evaluate that
1. Mary has watched the film
2. Tony has cooked the dinner
3. She has cleaned her room
4. Mum has opened the window in her bedroom
5. Jane has watered her plants
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