e- steal money from rich and give it to the poor
f-sherwood forest
(c, b, g незнаю)
1. I don't have a colourful book.
2. He hasn't got a new car.
3. Bob doesn't have a new bike.
4. My granny hasn't got a wonderful garden.
5. Sally doesn't have a busy life.
6. My parents don't have successful careers.
7. Bob hasn't got a joyful dog.
8. Dan doesn't have a free day today.
9. My grandparents haven't got a beautiful garden.
10. The city doesn't have a big green park.
Объяснение о have/has, have got/has got:Если в утвердительном предложении после have/has стоит 'got', то это одна конструкция, и вы не можете сказать, например, 'He doesn't have got a new car'.
Утвердительная форма:
+ have/has got +
Отрицательная форма:
+ have not (haven't) got/has not (hasn't) got +
В зависимости от лица, ставите или have got (haven't got), или has got (hasn't got).
I, you, we, they + have (haven't) got
He, she, it + has (hasn't) got
Если после have/has ничего не стоит, это просто глагол, и в зависимости от лица здесь нужно поставить или вс глагол don't, или doesn't.
I, you, we, they + don't + have
He, she, it + doesn't + have
1. There is a large stadium near our house.
общий Is there a large stadium near our house?
специальный Where is there a large stadium?
альтернативный Is there a large stadium near our house or our school?
разделительный There is a large stadium near our house, isn't there?
2. Petrov’s family lives in a new district.
общий Does Petrov’s family live in a new district?
специальный Where does Petrov’s family live?
альтернативный Does Petrov’s family live in a new or old district?
разделительный Petrov’s family lives in a new district, doesn't it?
3. Life is impossible without food.
общий Is life impossible without food?
специальный What is life impossible without?
альтернативный Is life impossible without food or water?
разделительный Life is impossible without food, isn't it?
4. Tom worked in an ice-cream store some years ago.
общий Did Tom work in an ice-cream store some years ago?
специальный When did Tom work in an ice-cream store?
альтернативный Did Tom work in an ice-cream store or in a factory some years ago?
разделит. Tom worked in an ice-cream store some years ago, didn't he?
5. The university students watch scientific TV programs every day.
общий Do the university students watch scientific TV programs every day?
специальный What do the university students watch every day?
альтернативный Do the university students or teachers watch scientific TV programs every day?
разделительный The university students watch scientific TV programs every day, don't they?
he robs rich and give money to poor
in the forest
with his bow, From the ambush