Но дом на улице Манго не так, как они сказали, что это вообще. Он маленький и красный с жесткими шагами в передней и окна настолько малы, можно подумать, что они затаили дыхание. Кирпичи рушатся в местах и парадная дверь настолько опухли, вы должны выдвинуть трудно получить дюйма Там нет парадный двор, только четыре маленьких вязы города, посаженное при творога.
When he started to go up to the elevator, he looked at the elevator and he turned out to be that pale and thin driver .. Herman did not move for a minute, because he was in shock. Having realized that it was in reality, he rushed to run. The lifter ran after him, Herman unhooked himself from the lifter and decided to take a break, but when he turned his head, the lifter covered him with a bag and took him somewhere. When Herman woke up, he saw that he was being taken somewhere and did not know what to do and fell asleep back. When he woke up he saw many monsters in front of him. He began to struggle, but his arms and legs were tied. The lifter approached him and began to slap him in the face, saying: "Herman, get up!" When Herman opened his eyes, he sighed with relief because it was just a dream. And next to him were friends who were waking Herman from a terrible dream.
Немного фантазии :]
ответ:Dear Jacob,
Thank you for your letter. It was nice to hear from you.
I would like to tell you about my weekend. My last weekend was not monotonous. On Friday, I was staying at home and watching TV. My friend arrived and we were watching a film on the computer in the evening. This movie was called " Fast Five 3" and it was very interesting. On Sunday, I was relaxing all day at home. In the morning, I remembered that I had homework; so I did it. In the evening, I was watching TV and afterwards I went to bed.
I think my rest depends on the season, because in winter I walk less than in summer. In summer there are a lot of entertainments!
I prefer to spend my weekends with my parents and friends because I have a lot of fun with them. I love my weekend and my family!
Please, write about your weekend.
Best wishes,
Объяснение:Письмо другу на выходных в загородном доме.
Однако дом на улице Манго совсем не такой, как они говорят. Он маленький и красный с тесными ступенями, и окна его настолько малы, что можно подумать, что они стараются не дышать.Кирпичи во многих местах рушатся и парадная дверь настолько набухла, что вам придётся с усилием толкоть её, чтобы войти. Перед домом нет дворика, только четыре маленьких вяза, посаженных городскими властями вдоль бордюра.