главный мозг
5.2 тыс. ответов
10.5 млн пользователей, получивших
1. Whose is this bag? My sister’s.
2. Where are the children? At school.
3. When is Paul coming back? Tomorrow.
4. How does he drive? Very dangerously.
5. Who is that woman? Mary Smith.
6. When do you finish work? At four o’clock.
7. How often do they buy a newspaper? Every day.
8. What is her name? Catherine.
9. What city do you like best? Rome or Milan?
10. How long have you been a teacher? Since 1997.
11. What is your name? John.
12. Which shirt do you want? The blue one, please.
13. What is your favourite colour? Red.
14. Where are you from? Poland.
15. What time do you usually go to bed? At ten.
16. Why are you crying? Because I’ve hurt my finger.
17. Whose are those books over there? Paul’s.
18. Who is your best friend? Mary.
19. Where did you go on holiday last year?
20. When are you leaving? Tomorrow.
21. Who is that man over there? My dad.
22. What are you going to cook for dinner? Roast beef.
23. Why do you want to leave? Because I’m bored.
24. Who is Mr Smith? Our science
I have a friend. His name is Jake. He is a truck driver. He drivess hundreds of kilometres every day. It may sound strange to others, but he loves his work. He prefers being on the open road to sitting inside an office.He watches the scenery moving past him and listen to the radio as he travels from one end of the country to the other. Truck drivers are like a fraternity. They all meet each other regularly and help each other if they get into trouble on the road. Most of Jack's friends are truck drivers as well. They all have one thing in common: they spend most of their time on the open road, away from the noise and dirt of towns and cities. po.
Надеюсь что верно, на всякий случай перепроверь.
1. My dog was hit by a car yesterday.
2. Breakfast is served from 7 to
every morning at this hotel.
3. The photographers took lots of
pictures at the ceremony.
4. Lots of money is spent on things we
don't really need.