Какое относится к present perfect, а какое к Особенно с "Before I came here","in the last few days","for the last two years","over the last week" и "so far today"
Sorry I haven't been in touch for such a long time but I've had exams so I've been studying every free minute. Anyway, I'd love to hear all your news and I'm hoping we can get together soon to catch up. We just moved to a bigger flat so maybe you can come and visit one weekend?
How's the new job?
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Hi Helga,
I've been meaning to write to you for ages now so don't worry! How did your exams go? When will you know your results? I'm sure you did brilliantly as always!
As for me, I'll have been in the new job three months by the end of next week so I'm feeling more settled in. At first I felt like I had no idea what I was doing but now I realise it's normal to feel like that. There was a lot to learn – there still is actually – and I soon had to get used to the idea that I can't know everything. I used to work late a lot and at weekends but I'm slowly getting into a normal routine.
Which means I'd love to come and visit! We really need a good catch up! I can't believe we haven't seen each other since Carl's wedding. How does next month sound?
Anyway, I'd better get back to work.
Congratulations on the new flat! Can't wait to see you!
Допустим человек, с которым ты будешь вести диалог - это политический деятель. зовут его иван владимирович, например. - hello ivan! can you ask me some questions? - hi! yes, it would be funny and interesting for me. what would you like to know? - i would like to ask you about your free time. how do you spernd it? - honestly, i don`t have it a lot because of my job. but sometimes i like to visit my family. to play with children and have a romantik dinner with my wife. - do you really like your job? - oh yes. my job is very unteresting. every day i meet new people and i feel that what i do it`s my cup of tea/ - do you prefer to work with people more or with documents? - i think that everything consisits of mood. if i am friendly and communicative i would like to spend my day with people, but if i am tired and lazy it would be perfect for me to be with papers only. - will your children have the same education? - i have never asked them to be like me, i have always let them the chance for choosing what they want. - thank you ivan, i have recieved all answers for my questions - you are welcome.
Hi Linda,
How's it going?
Sorry I haven't been in touch for such a long time but I've had exams so I've been studying every free minute. Anyway, I'd love to hear all your news and I'm hoping we can get together soon to catch up. We just moved to a bigger flat so maybe you can come and visit one weekend?
How's the new job?
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Hi Helga,
I've been meaning to write to you for ages now so don't worry! How did your exams go? When will you know your results? I'm sure you did brilliantly as always!
As for me, I'll have been in the new job three months by the end of next week so I'm feeling more settled in. At first I felt like I had no idea what I was doing but now I realise it's normal to feel like that. There was a lot to learn – there still is actually – and I soon had to get used to the idea that I can't know everything. I used to work late a lot and at weekends but I'm slowly getting into a normal routine.
Which means I'd love to come and visit! We really need a good catch up! I can't believe we haven't seen each other since Carl's wedding. How does next month sound?
Anyway, I'd better get back to work.
Congratulations on the new flat! Can't wait to see you!