My name is Dima, and my dream job is to become a cargo and delivery transportation expert. I already know a lot of things about the topic: I know what cars there are, I know geography really well and I have great navigation skills.
Cars, boats and planes always fascinated me. Those enormous machines take my breath every time I see them. I also like travelling a lot, and you do travel a lot if you are working on a job like this! This profession takes a lot of knowlenge, patience and skill. I'm yet to learn how to drive, but I think I will do just fine.
Transportation is also a really well-paid job, so I will be travelling a lot, not only during my duty!
I hope my dream will come true one day, but for now I still have to learn a lot of things.
2. Наиболее распространенный источник инфекции, источник болезни, древние люди, защитный наружный слой, подобный эффект, предотвращать, проксимальная поверхность, слизистая оболочка. 3. 1) Bacteria. These one-cell organisms are responsible for illnesses such as strep throat, urinary tract infections and tuberculosis. Viruses. 2) The digestive functions of saliva include moistening food, and helping to create a food bolus, so it can be swallowed easily. Saliva contains the enzyme amylase that breaks some starches down into maltose and dextrin. Thus, digestion of food occurs within the mouth, even before food reaches the stomach. 3) the last line of defense is that position where the mission is to hold enemy forces and not allow them to pass. 4. through cuts on the skin, food, gastric juice, more favorable conditions, harmless, destruction
2. Наиболее распространенный источник инфекции, источник болезни, древние люди, защитный наружный слой, подобный эффект, предотвращать, проксимальная поверхность, слизистая оболочка. 3. 1) Bacteria. These one-cell organisms are responsible for illnesses such as strep throat, urinary tract infections and tuberculosis. Viruses. 2) The digestive functions of saliva include moistening food, and helping to create a food bolus, so it can be swallowed easily. Saliva contains the enzyme amylase that breaks some starches down into maltose and dextrin. Thus, digestion of food occurs within the mouth, even before food reaches the stomach. 3) the last line of defense is that position where the mission is to hold enemy forces and not allow them to pass. 4. through cuts on the skin, food, gastric juice, more favorable conditions, harmless, destruction
My name is Dima, and my dream job is to become a cargo and delivery transportation expert. I already know a lot of things about the topic: I know what cars there are, I know geography really well and I have great navigation skills.
Cars, boats and planes always fascinated me. Those enormous machines take my breath every time I see them. I also like travelling a lot, and you do travel a lot if you are working on a job like this! This profession takes a lot of knowlenge, patience and skill. I'm yet to learn how to drive, but I think I will do just fine.
Transportation is also a really well-paid job, so I will be travelling a lot, not only during my duty!
I hope my dream will come true one day, but for now I still have to learn a lot of things.