Задание 1
wool,air, assistance, paper, bread, darkness, water, cheese, happiness, glass, sand, music, friendship, quickness, tobacco, copper, coffee, money, ink, meat, silver, timber, ice, chalk, heat, milk, butter, speed.
an airship, a word, an aviation, an assistant, a paper ( газета ), an hour, a sea, an event, a glass (стакан), a hero, a piano, a friend, a cigarette, an armchair, a ship, a coin, a university, a banknote, a watch, a tree ,an idea, a furniture, a cow, a horse, a machine, an equipment , an obligation, an instrument, an umbrella.
Задание 2
places, libraries, languages, dresses, flies, watches, clocks, countries, eyes, buses, bushes, parties, rays, thieves, companies, Negroes, masses, leaves, wolves, glasses, keys, boxes, halves, lives, days, plays, factories, cities, opportunities, colonies, roofs, months, journeys, shelves, heroes;
b) men, women, teeth, feet, geese, children, mice, oxen;
c) postmen, sons-in-law, editors-in-chief, fishermen, schoolgirls, sisters-in-law, text-books, pocket- knives, passers-by, statesmen;
1.Sunday is a perfect day for Ann 2. She gets up at 10 o'clock and has a big portion of porridge 3.Then, she puts on her favourite dress 4. In the forest their Scout leader asks them to show how to play darts 5. At 6 o'clock they cook dinner in the microwave oven 6. Before they go to sleep they play PSP.