1. It was a beautiful morning. The sun was shining and the world was bright.
2. Who were you talking to when I saw you last night? She looked familiar.
3. I spent the afternoon listening to Rick’s songs, but I didn't like them.
4. Jason had played in a band called Flotsam & Jetsam before he joined Metallica.
5. Vicky didn't want to see the film because she had seen it before.
6. David picked up the phone and called his best friend.
7. While we were watching the concert, it stopped raining.
8. A lot of snow fell yesterday, but it’s warmer today.
9. Caitlin and Ryan had known each other for years before they became a couple.
10. The musicians was preparing to go on stage when it started to rain.
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1) Люди празнуют пасху в марте или апреле, это важный праздник. В пасхальное воскресенье люди ходят в церковь. пасха озночает весну. дети в британии получаю шоколадные яйца. Люди дарят украшеные яйца.
2)31 октября хеллоуин. это старая традиция. в древности люди думали что это день приведений и ведьм, и многие сидели дома. в британии и США это день вечеринок. Люди одевают страшные костюмы и делают фонари из тыкв. Иногда дети выходят на улицу и говорят угощение и получают сладости.
1) People celebrate Easter in March or April, it is an important holiday. On Easter Sunday, people go to church. easter will chill the spring. kids in Britain get chocolate eggs. people give decorated eggs.
2) October 31st halloween. it's an old tradition. in ancient times, people thought it was a day of ghosts and witches, and many stayed at home. in Britain and the US, it's a party day. People wear scary costumes and make lanterns out of pumpkins. Sometimes children go outside and say treats and get sweets.